domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015


Tyamath, also called Mother Earth, is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical object known to accommodate life. The earliest life on Tyamath arose at least 3.5 billion years ago. Tyamath's biodiversity has expanded continually except when interrupted by mass extinctions

Tiamat supposedly is the name of a former planet in our solar system. According to Zecharia Sitchin's interpretation of the Sumerian creation tale, our solar system originally consisted of the Sun (Apsu) and nine planets. These were: Mercury (Mummu), Venus (Lahamu), Mars (Lahmu), Tiamat, Jupiter (Kishar), Saturn (Anshar), Pluto (Gaga), Uranus (Anu), and Neptune (Ea). Earth did not exist in those days, nor did the moon. Pluto was in between Saturn and Uranus. And there was a planet in between Mars and Jupiter, called Tiamat.

Then, a foreign celestial body, called Pherusem, entered the Solar System, clockwise, which is opposing the direction of the planets. The gravitational pull of Pherusem changed the orbit of Pluto. The satellites of Pherusem collided with Tiamat. Tiamat broke into two parts: one part was thrown in an orbit closer to the Sun, in between Venus and Mars and became Earth. The other half was destroyed in the collision with other satellites and created the asteroid belt. Parts of the satellites became the meteors, that keep on having a clockwise orbit, unlike the planets and the asteroids, that go counter-clockwise. Through the gravitational pull of Tiamat, and after having been hit by minor satellites too, Kingu, Tiamat's moon, was thrown into another orbit too, and became Mother Earth’s moon.


Unug is the greatest city on Tyamath and the most detailed city within the novels. Unug is the setting or focal point for some of the books, from Rebels of Tyamath. It stands as a symbol for the ideal Tyamathan city, a model for other cities to emulate. Only Koshok, in the southern hemisphere, comes close at matching the size and grandeur of Unug. Unug is also a city with a turbulent history, a place that has even attracted the specific attention of the mysterious Annu-kis. Hopefully, additional novels will be published to resolve this matter and answer the questions we have concerning the future of Unug.

Unug is the greatest city on Tyamath and the most detailed city within the novels. Unug is the setting or focal point for many of the books, from Rebels of Tyamath. It stands as a symbol for the ideal Tyamathan city, a model for other cities to emulate. Only Koshok, in the southern hemisphere, comes close at matching the size and grandeur of Unug. Unug is also a city with a turbulent history, a place that has even attracted the specific attention of the mysterious Annu-kis. Hopefully, additional novels will be published to resolve this matter and answer the questions we have concerning the future of Unug,
Unug is situated in the northern hemisphere of Tyamath, in the lower temperate latitudes. Temperate means essentially that it has a mild climate. Thus, in the winter it will only have occasional snows and more often cold rains. The summer heat will generally not run to extremes either. The spring and fall will seem to be longer seasons than the summer and winter due to the mild weather.

On the southern border of Unug is a swamp forest, the home of the Swamp Spiders, also known as the Spider People. These are large, intelligent spiders who inhabit enormous, complex webs that stretch across the terrain. They are generally a peaceful race who refuse to harm other rational creatures, even in self-defense. Unfortunately for the Spider People, the people of Unug have no such compunctions. They hunt and slay the Spider People to obtain Kur-lon Fiber, apparently derived from their web material, similar to spider silk. The Fiber is used in the mills of Unug though its actual uses are not described.

Further south of Unug, after three days ride by vallak, forming its northern border, is the mighty Tufrasis River. The Tardos Mountains are a five day ride by tarn from Unug. The Tufrasis River, about forty hassan wide, is one of the largest rivers on Tyamath. You must cross the Tufrasis to travel to the northern cities such as Thentos and Basrah.
Unug is situated in the northern hemisphere of Tyamath, in the lower temperate latitudes. Temperate means essentially that it has a mild climate. Thus, in the winter it will only have occasional snows and more often cold rains. The summer heat will generally not run to extremes either. The spring and fall will seem to be longer seasons than the summer and winter due to the mild weather.
On the southern border of Unug is a swamp forest, the home of the Swamp Spiders, also known as the Spider People. These are large, intelligent spiders who inhabit enormous, complex webs that stretch across the terrain. They are generally a peaceful race who refuse to harm other rational creatures, even in self-defense. Unfortunately for the Spider People, the people of Unug have no such compunctions. They hunt and slay the Spider People to obtain Kur-lon Fiber, apparently derived from their web material, similar to spider silk. The Fiber is used in the mills of Unug though its actual uses are not described.

Further south of Unug, after three days ride by vallak, forming its northern border, is the mighty Tufrasis River. The Tardos Mountains are a five day ride by tarn from Unug. The Tufrasis River, about forty hassan wide, is one of the largest rivers on Tyamath. You must cross the Tufrasis to travel to the northern cities such as Thentos and Basrah.